Thursday, November 25, 2010

Gobble Gobble

Happy Thanksgiving, loves! In celebration of all we have to be thankful for (this year, I am particularly thankful for wine), here is one of my favorite festive table settings to inspire your holiday set-up. Whether you're helping your mom with the cooking (ie. standing in the kitchen, drinking a beer and picking at pie dough) or hosting a party of 20, this setting is autumn inspired and celebratory, yet a far departure from your grandmother's annual table setting of plaid tablecloths and the "good" wedding china. The best part? It's easily created from items you probably already have and can be repurposed for other occasions.

Elizabeth Demos, a stylist and designer from Savannah, created this "rustic and woodsy" table setting for Southern Living. Bright orange napkins (there's that orange again!) against simple white plates and classic flatware is the perfect elegant base for various sized cut logs and small arrangements of silver vases and colorful flowers. Candles in clear jars and bright pink lanterns scattered throughout are the perfect finishing touches to an inviting, modern, yet completely unfussy holiday table. To get more tips from Demos, visit Southern Living.

I hope you all enjoy a day of family, friends, football and food. Oh, and elastic waist pants. Make sure you take a moment or two to appreciate all you have to be grateful for!

Images via Southern Living

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